Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Importance of Art

  The Arts provide an outlet for expression, if the arts were removed, most school life would be bleak. It would also most likely decrease the amount of people who would go into the arts as careers. This means that shows would not premiere, movies would not be made, nor history. The Arts allow people to keep their eyes open for new ideas.

  The arts even relate to core subjects, for example: In visual arts there is the golden ratio (which relates greatly to math),  color relates to psychology, music relates to science. The workforce isn't entirely made up of business people, 1.4 percent of the workforce is in the arts. If the arts were not supported, there wouldn't be any new businesses opening anytime soon, because of the lack of architects and graphic designers.

   Art allows for knowledge to be spread, in the form of language or ideas. In my personal experience, my interest in foreign language was sprung from the arts. My love for the sound of the language grew from listening to the same lyric over and over until I could translate it to myself, and repeat it. The arts allowed me to make friends over these interests. If the arts didn't exist there would be no new stories.

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