Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Narrative Photography

       For this project I had a sort of concept, taking documentary like pictures of my friends in the middle of their actions. The faces they made when they realized were on camera were genuine.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Letter to past self.

            Hello! You are most likely reading this at the end of 8th grade, you've probably chosen all of your classes. The good news is that you got into all of the electives you wished, I am currently writing you from one of them. As of now I am in photography class, you have very very little knowledge in photography, and that will change. One thing that you are going to have to learn for this class is that, you need to reserve time for photos, even when you are insanely busy! Use the nights that you can't sleep for innovation and opportunity to get things done (just be sure not to wake anyone up). This one tip doesn't necessarily only apply to photography, but you need to get rid of the stress you have in order to succeed. When you stress you judge yourself and overthink, you have a lot of high expectations of yourself, but when it's said and done you need to realize your best is anything you put enough effort into! Even though the picture you take may not end up exactly as you pictured in your mind, that's okay, just try again. Perfectionism is something you will struggle with for a while.

   When you take photos think about your subject before you begin to shoot. This allows you to fully plan your idea, never go out to shoot with no ideas. Colors can draw attention, but you have to be careful which colors you choose, over saturated colors can draw peoples attention, but it can also hurt their eyes. Don't always go with your first idea, humans think alike, and thus can have similar first ideas.

  The image shown above is actually one of my favorites, it was for the first project in this class. The project centered around composition in photos. This photo illustrates texture, not only does it contain contrast it also has good focus. I would have maybe turned down the brightness, it can be a bit aggressive. It took a lot of positioning to get this photo, I didn't want to accidentally get my own shadow in the photo which is pretty hard to avoid.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Importance of Art

  The Arts provide an outlet for expression, if the arts were removed, most school life would be bleak. It would also most likely decrease the amount of people who would go into the arts as careers. This means that shows would not premiere, movies would not be made, nor history. The Arts allow people to keep their eyes open for new ideas.

  The arts even relate to core subjects, for example: In visual arts there is the golden ratio (which relates greatly to math),  color relates to psychology, music relates to science. The workforce isn't entirely made up of business people, 1.4 percent of the workforce is in the arts. If the arts were not supported, there wouldn't be any new businesses opening anytime soon, because of the lack of architects and graphic designers.

   Art allows for knowledge to be spread, in the form of language or ideas. In my personal experience, my interest in foreign language was sprung from the arts. My love for the sound of the language grew from listening to the same lyric over and over until I could translate it to myself, and repeat it. The arts allowed me to make friends over these interests. If the arts didn't exist there would be no new stories.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


These are the Two shots I managed to get for my Cubism Project.

Daily Dozen Red

Missing Assignments

    If you see my blog you will probably notice that I haven't posted my Cubism project, or my Daily Dozen Pictures. The Cubism project I never got to finish shooting for as well as the Daily dozen. This past month has been taken over by rehearsals for Mamma Mia. I will post the Pictures I have for my red project and my subject pictures from the Cubism project.

What Art Response 1

Q1: The Expression the two women show are somewhat stoic, the first one is a profile with a straight face. The other is a slightly more dynamic pose, as instead of a straight picture her face is tilted up, and looking down. In both photos they seem to be relaxed, their shoulders are back and down.

Q2: By the painterly appearance of the photos my first guess would be oil paint, but nowadays with the advancements in photo-editing software there is a possibility it is photoshopped.

Q3: The photos colors really intimidate me. (it's quite a weird thing to say, but its how I feel.) The dark colors give off the feeling of indifference. Long story short, if I ever met these women in real life I would probably apologize to them if they even looked at me.

Q4: I think the artist intended the image to be intense, serious and intimidating. I think the artist wanted viewers to have an intense image to decipher. In my opinion it worked well.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Cubism Response "The Tourist"

       Steps I think were used:

  1. The image started out with a flat image 
2.   Areas of the picture were chosen to be replaced with other pictures
3.   The pictures chosen to replace were cropped and cut to fit the dimensions of the squares
4.    The images were pasted into the document and resized to fit a location.

Q1.  McNally must have taken many pictures, if I had to guess I would say maybe 46 were taken, but only 7 were used.

Q2. Probably not, in order to show the different dimensions of the image he probably took the pictures at different times of the day.

Q3. The colors seem to be enhanced a bit and the blur.

Q4. No.