Thursday, December 12, 2019

Photo Response Two

   The face that is shown is that of a young girl, her skin is very pale, her eyes are sort of green, her hair is a golden brown color. She looks forward with a sort of blank stare, There are people standing near the image, there is a car, three men, one of them wearing a yellow safety vest.

The size of the image makes it stand out more, and makes it easier to see when far away. The size could be a means to draw attention to the image.

I can't tell if the image is spliced together. It looks like the area is industrial so most likely labor workers will see it.

I am actually a bit uncomfortable with her expression, it just looks blank like she is just staring through me. Maybe she is the last girl in a line, or family, or maybe the last girl left..

Blue project

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Spaceship project

Photo Response

  The photo I was shown was of a face that was being climbed by a wall climbing man.
The face has hazel eyes and pale skin. When you look closely at the texture of the face it begins to start looking like a wall mural because of the graininess of the texture. I think this image is an artistic image because it seems very deep. It doesn't look photoshopped to me, but the man's shadow looks a bit too round. I think the photo could mean life is everywhere. Which kinda goes with the picture when you think about it. I think the purpose of the photo is to make people think. The image to me, makes me think, I'm not too sure of what it means and it kind of creeps me out too. The scale makes the girls face not look real and look like a mural while the man looks real.